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New Report | Energy Burden and the Clean Energy Transition: Challenges and just solutions from energy assistance practitioners and advocates from around the country
Just Solutions Collective is pleased to announce the release of, “Energy Burden and the Clean Energy Transition: Challenges and just solutions from energy assistance practitioners and advocates from around the […]
The road to clean, equitable, affordable, timely decarbonization: Part 1
Nuclear Power: Not clean, not necessary, not affordable; not timely The Nuclear Energy Institute, the industry’s think tank, claims “existing reactors as well as new advanced nuclear technologies will provide the […]
The road to clean, equitable, affordable, timely decarbonization: Part 2
Decarbonizing the U.S. electricity sector by phasing out existing nuclear is technically, economically, and environmentally better This post is a complement to a prior one, which dealt with: (1) Is […]
The road to clean, equitable, affordable, timely decarbonization: Part 3
Keeping the lights on with solar and wind energy I’ve written two posts on nuclear – one on new plants and the other on existing ones – indicating we shouldn’t […]
Calling it a “natural disaster” ignores what’s really to blame
How many natural disasters did you see in the news in 2021? The answer is zero. What you likely saw was a natural hazard that resulted in a disaster because […]
Will clean energy impoverish the poor or help create a path to energy justice? (Part I)
Millions of low-income families already face crushingly high burdens of energy costs. High energy costs burdens as a percentage of income are a principal cause of financial distress, creating conflicts between […]
Portland Clean Energy Fund: From Campaign to Implementation An Interview with Khanh Pham
At Just Solutions Collective, we are working to broaden and deepen the understanding of equitable and effective policies and projects to build the capacity of communities to replicate, scale and […]
Climate and Environmental Justice and the Infrastructure Bill
Yesterday, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“IIJA”), marking a major achievement for both the Biden Administration and the usually-gridlocked Congress. The IIJA makes critical investments in […]
Centering Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Leadership and Innovation in Climate Solutions
Across the country Black, Indigenous, Communities of Color, and Frontline communities are leveraging their expertise, lived experiences, and community relationships to develop solutions that interrupt the status quo and shine […]
Elevating & Building the Capacity of BIPOC Frontline Communities Innovating Just Climate Solutions
For decades now, BIPOC frontline organizations have united, fought, and led progress against environmental injustices and the disproportionate impacts of climate change. Historically, this progress has been dependent on grassroots […]