As a national, movement partner organization, our goal is to broaden and deepen the understanding and implementation of equitable and effective climate policies and programs at a scale and pace that match the urgency of the climate crisis. 

    We are a BIPOC-led organization that partners with communities disproportionately impacted by climate change to turn their priorities and ideas into policies and laws.  We draw from community-created solutions and invest deeply in “innovator” states where justice-centered organizations and coalitions have demonstrated the vision, strategy, and political power to win and implement climate policies that strengthen their communities’ health, economic security, and resiliency.


    Protect the rights of Mother Earth and BIPoC-Frontline Communities, those disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate change.
    All living beings and natural systems, including people and animals as well as the air, land and water have rights. We recognize the historic colonial and capitalistic systems of oppression and destruction of the planet and work to correct it, especially for Black, Indigenous, People of Color and those environmental justice areas with high environmental burdens and social and economic disparities. We must recognize the rights and sovereignty of Indigenous peoples and Tribal Nations.

    Prioritize the leadership and knowledge of BIPOC, youth, and disproportionately impacted communities to ensure equitable benefits.
    We believe those who have the most at stake should have the biggest role in decision-making, and be equitably represented at tables. Due to the disproportionate impacts Black, Indigenous, People of Color and frontline communities face, benefits must be directed to those living in environmental justice areas with high environmental burdens and social and economic disparities.

    Center BIPoC-Frontline Community Created Solutions
    We believe in self-determination that communities know what is best for themselves. We recognize and support intersectional solutions that address systemic inequities across sectors, populations, and identities. We believe allies and those in power should work to build the capacity and resources so these communities can lead. It takes all of us: frontline and environmental justice communities, as well as environmental organizations, intermediary organizations, funders and decision-makers to be at the table together and be in “right relationship.”

    Advance a Just Transition to a Living Economy from the ground up
    Most environmental justice communities have historically been deemed hubs of dirty energy production, processing and dumping. As a result, frontline communities suffer the consequences of this legacy of dirty energy. We believe these communities should be first relieved of this dirty energy burden by clean energy production for a just transition centered by community governance and ownership to create local jobs, improve local health and wealth, while still fighting regional and global pollution.


    We foster a feminist work culture that values the health and well being of staff, partners, family and community. We are a collective, meaning our work is not about the individual and elevating personal power, accomplishment and recognition but rather mutual benefit, generosity, support and collective learning. We are committed to the Jemez Principles and being an Anti-Racist organization through our work and how our workplace functions.

    Community Self-Determination

    We believe those most harmed by climate change should lead in the design and implementation of solutions.

    people in black shirts and black shorts sitting on bench during daytime

    Racial & Economic Justice

    We believe climate solutions are inextricably rooted in the fight for racial and economic justice.

    people walking on brown sand during daytime

    “Yes” Proposition

    We believe leading with equitable solutions provides the most effective policy roadmap for addressing the climate crisis.

    Push Buffalo

    Shifting Power

    We believe the climate movement can only succeed if justice-centered movement leaders have the power and resources to shape and lead policy strategy and implementation at the federal, state, and local level.

    Just Solutions About Us Collaboration photo Aiko Schaefer and Ja'Mes Williams


    We believe collaboration across issue priorities and sectors  – non-profit, academia, philanthropy and government – must be prioritized  to build the broad base of support needed to address climate change.

    Land acknowledgement