Federal Policy
FEMA Proposes Rule Change that is a Step Toward Equity and Improving Access
On January 22, FEMA released an Interim Final Rule that proposes significant modifications to their Individual Assistance (IA) Program that provides financial assistance and direct services to eligible individuals and […]
US Treasury Report identifies climate impact on household finances
Black and Latine adults are less able to pay their bills and are more impacted by climate disasters. Living paycheck to paycheck makes any disruptions caused by climate change far […]
Webinar: What it Really Means to be a Federal Grantee – Accomplishments and Challenges
Emerald Cities Collaborative, The Climate & Clean Energy Equity Fund, and Just Solutions hosted an informative webinar about the experience of applying to and receiving federal funding. As opportunities for […]
National Environmental Policy Act: Recommendations for environmental justice
Earlier this summer, the federal Council for Environmental Quality (CEQ) proposed changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that could get us closer to analyzing climate change impacts, addressing […]
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Awardee Best Practices for Equity and Governance Pledge
The objective of the GGRF Equity and Governance Best Practices Alliance is to ensure that environmental justice and community-based organizations, representing and made up of frontline communities, are able to have decision-making […]
The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Climate Action Plan, Reviewed
The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Climate Action Plan, Reviewed President Biden’s January 2021 Executive Order 14008 (Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad) spurred the Department of […]
EPA’s Carbon Pollution Standards: Equity Recommendations from Just Solutions
For decades, the burning of fossil fuels at power plants has resulted in adverse public health outcomes for some of the most environmentally-overburdened communities in our country. Black, Indigenous, communities […]
DOE Guidance for Home Energy Rebates Adopts Recommendations for Equity
On July 27, the Department of Energy released long-awaited guidance for the Home Energy Rebate Programs, outlining requirements applicable to the states and territories that will administer these programs. (Separate […]
Federal Debt Ceiling, Environmental Justice Communities and NEPA
After weeks of negotiations and the looming threat of defaulting on our country’s debts, President Biden signed the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) in May. The FRA ended the federal student […]
The White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights Explained
The White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights,1 issued in January of 2023, outlines a general plan for the enforcement and implementation of tenants’ rights. This article provides […]