The Role of the Latine Community in Advancing Disaster Resilience and Environmental Justice
Research shows that the Latine* population in the United States, along with other low-income and communities of color, is disproportionately impacted by disasters and often marginalized in government-funded mitigation and […]
The Housing and Climate Equity Series Presents: At the Crossroads of Climate and Housing Justice: Field Scan and Needs Assessment
By Miriam Zuk, Ph.D.*, Idalmis Vaquero**, Zully Juarez, MURP.**, and Lin Chin* *Ground Works Consulting | **Just Solutions Ensuring the well-being of people, their homes, and the environment is increasingly […]
What Can We Learn from Social Policy to Advance Climate Justice?
Increasing the capacity of frontline communities to meet the current and future challenges brought about by climate change will require a significant future expansion of assistance programs and resources. There […]
Language Justice in Climate Disasters: State Models Addressing Title VI Gaps
In the face of climate-related disasters, effective communication around evacuation orders and recovery resources can mean the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), who […]
How a public option for basic financial transactions supports household climate resilience
Climate justice is inextricably linked with economic justice, and individual and household economic precarity is increasingly important in the context of the climate crisis. As in so many other aspects […]
Introducing the “Michigan Solutions for All” Campaign
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) represent significant federal investments in climate and infrastructure. To ensure these benefits reach the communities that need […]
Just Essays: Reflections on the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and the present nuclear resurgence
Author: Arjun Makhijani, PhD, Senior Fellow, Just Solutions. President Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. Hiroshima was obliterated on August 6, 1945 razed to the ground by just one bomb […]
State and Federal Whole Home Repair Programs: Can They Solve the Weatherization Assistance Program Deferrals Problem?
Investment in weatherization is sound public policy. Weatherization checks all the boxes of improving energy efficiency among low-income households, easing the strain on household budgets, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. […]
BRIEF: Housing & Climate Equity – An analysis of climate and housing policies that benefit environmental justice communities and low-income tenants
Just Solutions’ latest brief analyzes two Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) programs that provide targeted investments in housing, the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program […]
New EPA Data Sheds Light on Communities Affected by Polluted Drinking Water
This month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new drinking water dataset that has now been incorporated into the Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (EJScreen). For the […]