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Just Solutions Executive Director Aiko Schaefer

Aiko Schaefer

Executive Director

Aiko (she/her) provides overall direction to the Just Solutions Collective. She has nearly 30 years of experience working on public policy issues and campaigns around the US on poverty, inequality, women’s rights, consumer protection, and environmental justice, in addition to state and federal partisan campaigns. Before working with Just Solutions, she was on the faculty at the University of Washington, teaching in their graduate program.  She also was the founding director of Front & Centered, a BIPOC-Frontline coalition working on climate policy in Washington State.

Contact: aiko at justsolutionscollective.org

Solutions by Aiko Schaefer

Written for Nonprofit Quarterly by Jacqueline Patterson, founder and executive director of The Chisholm Legacy Project, Aiko Schaefer, founder and executive director of Just Solutions, and Alvaro S. Sanchez, vice […]

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The Just Solutions Collective launched a new effort to bring forward and coalesce the expertise from frontline communities into the Comprehensive Building Blocks for a Regenerative and Just 100% Policy. This […]

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The Just Solutions Collective launched a new effort to bring forward and coalesce the expertise from frontline communities into the Comprehensive Building Blocks for a Regenerative and Just 100% Policy. This […]

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